Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ready or not, here we come (or go I guess). In three very quick days we will be leaving for Russia on our 2nd trip. It has been a slow 4 months waiting for our 2nd trip and it has also gone very quickly. For me (Nate) personally, it has been a series of mixed emotions. I am really, really excited to be going to get our two boys, but also quite heart broken that I will be missing the Mission Trip to Puerto Rico with my youth group students. We completely trust in God's plan, and apparently that plan to Puerto Rico just didn't have me in it. I am extremely pumped for the students and I know they will do an incredible job. I also have complete confidence in my awesome leaders, so really it's just my own disappointment of having to miss out on this incredible experience with them.

Focusing on the positive, and it is completely awesome, we are about to leave to get our two boys! Boy is life going to change (no pun intended - but I'll leave it)! Last trip we went through Moscow and it took 24 hours of flying time. This time we are flying through Korea so it cuts off a large chunk of time. We leave early Saturday morning. Kelsey (5) will be joining us on this trip as well as Julie's dad, Milo.

Immediate prayer requests are:

1) Pray for our court date on August 5th (late night on August 4th for you here in America). Pray that the 10 day waiting period will be waived and that we can have the boys with us at that time.

2) Pray that the US Embassy will provide a consulate in Vladivostok so Julie and I won't have to take the two boys to Moscow and back (10 hours each way). That would be very difficult on the boys, not to mention us. At this point we have to take them to Moscow, but once I unleash the prayer warriors, I strongly believe this will change. Pray for understanding and sympathy for those in the government arguing our case and for those who would make the decision to help us.

Thanks everybody!



  1. Already prayed for you guys! Know that God will have his hands all over this thing. I can't wait to see what his faithfulless, in response to your faith, has in store! Keep us updated, we love you guys and will be praying for you early and often!

  2. We will be praying, Nate and Julie! What an adventure. Thanks for letting us be a part of it by writing it all down. We're excited to meet your sons!

  3. Thanks for the blog. We are excited for your growing family and what God has in store for you Julie and Kelsey! Before you know it, you will be landing in MSP with your daughter and two sons and wonderful wife! God will be blessing every step of the way for your family.
