Monday, August 15, 2011

Oh Jealousy

The wait is officially over tomorrow. I need to go downtown and take care of paperwork/visa's and I'm not sure what else early in the morning. Then it will be great to officially have the boys with us.

Kelsey would give you mixed reviews about her brothers at this point. I was pushing Silas on the swing the other day and Kelsey wanted me to push her. She started whining that I liked pushing Silas more than her. I said, "Kelsey, don't be jealous. We need to give him lots of special attention." Kelsey then asked me what jealous meant. I told her it meant she wants what somebody else has. For instance, she wants the attention that Silas has. Kelsey then says, "Yes. That's what I am. I am jealous!"

There has been a whole lot of jealousy on her end. She has been doing pretty well for the most part. We knew going from an only child to sharing her attention with two others would be tough, but it has been harder on her than I anticipated. She loves her brothers but not sharing the attention at all.

1 comment:

  1. And the wait is over! I think I heard the collective sigh of relief all the way here in Colorado! I am sure you heard the Grandpa Carr has a small break in his lower tibula close to his ankle. Good news was that it is not a bad break, but will take 4-6 weeks to heal. And it's his right leg. I feel absolutely terrible about what happened. He is in good spirits though. Nothing exciting in football world...yet....

    We will be praying for you guys, and that jealousy thing too...I remember those days of brotherly love!
